
Let me be clear that I do not approve of making fun of overweight people. Those that mock the hefty are delusional because they believe in the superstition of will power. They believe that some people have a lot of this non-existent will-power substance whereas overweight people have less of it.

I believe that will power is an illusion. Overweight people simply get more enjoyment from food than thin people do, at least relative to their other pleasure options. If I liked food more than I like playing tennis, I’d be the size of a house. Will power never enters into it.

You can see my theory play out with kids. Kids have no will power, yet many of them are skinny. The skinny ones get so little pleasure from non-candy food that they prefer starving and playing with a friend to eating. It’s a chore to make them eat. The overweight kids are the opposite. They also have no will power – just like every other kid – but for some reason they get more pleasure from food. It’s the same for adults. Some are passionate about food; some just see it as fuel.




